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At our store, you can find all the top brands for pointe shoes and we have the widest selection of sizes in stock. If we don't have the size you want in stock, we'll gladly order it for you!
The average life span of pointe shoes is roughly 10 hours of dancing, however there are many factors that can affect it. Factors include the dancer's body weight, foot and core strength, humidity, and sweat. This time can be drastically reduced if the shoes are broken by hand, dampened, or left inside of a bag after class. To get the most out of each pair, we recommend them out after every class and stuffing them with paper towels to absorb the moisture. The first pair of pointe shoes will always last the longest, in fact most dancers outgrow their first pair before breaking them.
Please check with your teacher to make sure you are ready to go en pointe. Dancing en pointe is physically strenuous and requires close supervision by a trained professional. If a beginner is unsupervised or wearing them just for fun, serious injury can occur.
If your teacher has given their approval, congratulations! Here is everything you will need to know to prepare for your first class.